Friday, October 10, 2008

Watching some losers smoking weed outside my window

One teeters on the edge of a stone semi-circle, giggling in anticipation of the RIIIDE to come. Another reaches into his cargo pocket and procures a slim white specimen, sure to cause some WILD TIMES. They gesture to a friend--Come! Come to our hidden spot! Come join us here! Oh! How delightful. I watch this all from my window and smile, but inside I'm feeling uneasy. Real uneasy.

This is this. It's been a day or so since that happened I hadn't really thought much of it or about it or of about it it
Yes this is good yes
Pan flutes and ottomans
My mind walked over to the corner store and bought a glass of orange juice and drank it all in one gulp he did If only I was my mind or something like it so that I too could have this orange juice! A crying shame, father always says Crying
I'd like to find them, now that I think about it, and maybe shake their hands.

1 comment:

playgrounde said...

i'm awlays watching